Sunday, 16 August 2009


Goodness it is a week since i updated my blog ! How time Flies, I haven't been doing a great deal during the last week, Spent some time with a friend shopping I was good actually only came home with a glaze pen and a yankee candle.

I've been spending time with my hubby and Collie going for run's in the car to see what Birds of Prey we can see. I am a huge nature lover i love all animals and birds.

Although on saying that i am not too happy with the mice we have living in our garage and will have to put mouse traps down . I wouldn't mind them staying if they didn't chew up expensive things but as they do they need to be evicted . I wonder if i could hire a barn owl to help with the problem , *wink*.

I hope all my blogging friends & family are having a great Sunday i am away to do some cards so i will talk with you all soon.

1 comment:

  1. BUT i saw a mouse on your card...hihihi.I know no mouse in the house.
    bye bye,Lean


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Lots of love Sharon X