Sunday, 30 May 2010

His Lordship...LOL

My Beautiful Border Collie Ben sitting in the garden after we had played with his ball. He will sit outside for ages listening to the birds and watching them come to the table but if the big wood pigeon from the nearby woods comes for a feed he always chases the poor bird away. I cringe worried that one day he might catch it.


  1. Hi Lord Ben love your picture and don´t kill the little birdy's....TWIEEEETTTTTTT!!!!
    hugs,Misty or lots of licks.

  2. Aww he is lovely! I love dogs :-) Thanks for your lovely comment, glad you like the new designs! I know it's so hard when there's loads of lovely stash out there, so much temptation!! Anyway glad to see you've been busy making more lovely cards :-) Dulcie xx


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Lots of love Sharon X