Sunday, 23 May 2010

I ♥ Pro Markers

At I ♥ Pro Marker's the challenge was to make a card with handmade flowers on it this card has a 3 layered flower on it and two other punched out flowers finished off with card candy. The layout was from a sketch challenge at the LGS Group on CB.
I hope you like it thank you for viewing.


  1. Oooh very pretty Sharon, lovely papers and embossing and lovely cute image. Thanks for joining us at I ♥ ProMarkers.

  2. lovely card ooo and Ben tell your mom she did winn my candy ....but i need her adress[take a peek at my blog ....again and scroll a little]..i think she had to much
    bye bye,Lean is my email also.beyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

  3. i am sorry she found it Ben ...i had to much Sun hihihihi woooofyyyy

  4. Awwww, that's so cute and lovely gentle colours. I like your layered flower. Thanks for taking part at I ♥ Promarkers this week.

  5. Cute card, love the pastel colours,thank you for joining us at I ♥ Promarkers this week
    Ruth x

  6. very pretty card , thanks for joining us at I ♥ ProMarkers.


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Lots of love Sharon X