Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Good Morning all

Good morning all i hope everyone reading is feeling well and is having a good day so far. I seem to be in Art Deco Card Making mood at the minute so i thought I'd share a easel card i made with you all i love Orange it is such a bright happy colour and reminds me that we are heading in the right direction for spring and summer.

I have not really been card making all that much been busy in the house having a spring clean and making a lot of work for myself by deciding to empty my wardrobe and have a clear out HA HA.. Well i did clear one bag of clothes into the hall only to decided 3 hours later that i might not like to part with them tut but at least it is all neat and tidy now. Well i guess that is all the news for now i best go and get the collie fed he is looking at me with hungry eyes loll.
However your spending your Tuesday have a good one. bye for now x

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck on all your spring cleaning! Pop over to my blog when you get a minute as I left you something there!
    Hugs Kobie


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Lots of love Sharon X