Friday, 1 April 2011

Oooo April Fool's Day

Well my mum tried hard to get me again this year but thankfully i saw through it between you and me she nearly had me convinced that Dad stood on the kitten lol Would not have lol had it been real i can assure you lol.

So anyway ever good prank even if it did not work needs to be returned so i waited an hour and then called her up and told her i had design job with a magazine i was convincing saying yay it only took me four years but finally my work has been recognised ( HA I wish i was good enough) anyway mum said Oh well done that's great although i could hardly hear the that's great as at that very sound of well done i was a giggling mess saying ha ha gotcha April Fool ..

I know small things amuse small minds but seriously after being the fool for the last few years it was about time i got to have the giggle lol, Well the day is young so i am totally on the look out for more. I hope everyone is having a great day and haven't had any April Fools played on them that they have fallen for if you have be brave and share them with us all ;0)))

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