I have been crafting away all afternoon and into most of this evening and pictured above are the cards i have been doing various different sytles but just made what i wanted and for no other reason then i fancied playing LOL. No wonder i have a huge box of cards sitting here ready for inserts and envelopes. My favourite type of card making is stamping but i sometimes enjoy printing off cd's too so as you can see from the above cards they are mixed with both techniques. Thank you for reading.
Youve been busy sharon. Love the Di Kaye ones as ive got those cds too. Do you fancy taking part in some blog hops? have a look at the HOP tab on my blog and let me know if you fancy any. http://creationsbygillm.blogspot.com
Thank you for visiting my little home on cyber space and for taking the time to comment. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Lots of love Sharon X
Youve been busy sharon. Love the Di Kaye ones as ive got those cds too. Do you fancy taking part in some blog hops? have a look at the HOP tab on my blog and let me know if you fancy any.