Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Special Times

This week has been beautiful and as a result We have managed to get out a lot more enjoying walks into the late evening with our Collie Ben here he is waiting for his toy to be chucked so he could fetch it.

I think he is a handsome dog but then again as his proud owner and mummy lol I am biased. I hope everyone has had a lovely Easter Break and Bank Holiday weekend and are all set to cast your votes tomorrow.Speak to you all soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon,
    I agree he is a handsome lad,I just love Border Collies, well I would as I own one he keeps you on your toes as much as my Jack does always up for a good walk and play....Enjoy the rest of the week...
    Mandy x


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Lots of love Sharon X