Wednesday 5 March 2014

First DT Card for HobbyBook

It was a real surprise to be asked to join the HobbyBook Design Team. Barbara hand draws all her own digi stamps and they are delightful and a real joy to craft with. This is my first entry for the Bi Weekly Challenge the theme is Oh so Girly I had to use this little kissing couple with Valentines just past for another year the old romantic was still out in me lol.

I think this cute couple would be wonderful for  Valentine, Engagement , Wedding or Anniversary Cards 
Well I guess I best go and tidy up the mess behind me lol one card made today and my Crafty Space looks like a bomb went off in it lol. 
However your spending your day be sure to pop along to the HobbyBook blog to see all the other entries for this Bi weekly challenge. 
Have a great day 
hugs Sharon xx


  1. Cute card, Sharon, just swinging by to wish you a very Happy Birthday


    1. Hiya Kathy, So wonderful of you to remember thank you. I miss my bubble friends joined the new bubble but lost the link and can't find it can you just tell everyone I miss them and that i have my blog , twitter and facebook pages should anyone want to get in touch. Thank you so much xoxx


Thank you for visiting my little home on cyber space and for taking the time to comment. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Lots of love Sharon X