Thursday, 26 August 2010

Ben in Oil Paints.

This is Ben our Border Collie painted by a very talented artist. Mr D Powell - Jones.
I think he captured Ben very well and i love the expression in Ben's eye's to see more of this Artists work please visit his blog here You won't be sorry you did as his work is breathtaking.


  1. Smashing painting Sharon - I've left you a little something on my own blog . . .


  2. Thats a gorgeous painting and is something as a dog lover I know you will treasure for ever
    Tats 4 Now
    xx Jacki xx

  3. wauw Ben this is a beautiful paint of you so sweet and your eyes are popping out of this peace of art...
    I think your mom is verry thrild to have this in here home..
    byebye,Lean &Misty...

  4. Hi Sharon, found your blog this time! That painting is wonderful, so beautifully done. You must be so pleased, I'm sure it will be a treasure forever :-) Thanks for your nice comments on my blog, it's much appreciated. Dulcie xx


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Lots of love Sharon X