Thursday, 9 September 2010

Another love of mine ...

Another love of mine is Nature and i love taking photographs of wildlife and places we travel too. I am a self taught Photographer and have a passion for it i hope one day to scrapbook with all the beautiful pictures i have on disc. The above pictures have been taken earlier in the year while walking the collie in various places.


  1. lovely picyures Sharon .
    have a nice weekend byebye<Lean.

  2. Smashing photos Sharon, good job Ben didn't decide to go play with the nesting swan!!! I'd love to see your scrap book. I'm presently scrap booking a whole load of vintage photos (from 1922 onwards) received when clearing the homes of relatives - really good fun though to look through.

    Good Luck with your photography and your scrap booking


  3. Really lovely pics sharon love the nest one


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Lots of love Sharon X