Friday, 28 January 2011

Border Collies / Dog Lovers

Hi ,

as you may know i have a young border collie Ben is 3 this year and up until now i have got Ben all his injections including his booster this year i am debating if i should or not this is NOT DUE TO COST.. let me explain, My little collie X got a Auto immune illness and at the time i researched the illness it was very rare and normally happened after injections especially in young male dogs... well as a result i have debated getting the injections every year because i am scared Ben takes the illness i know highly unlikely but a worry .

Anyway the other reason for debating the injection is because Ben gets so stressed going to the vets i am wondering if it is worth his stress i really would be interested in your views and if you do get your collies there booster or not.

I feel like a neurotic woman right now as i keep getting upset not knowing what to do for the best so any advice would be helpful.

Thanks x


  1. We lost a dog (when I was growing up)to distemper and it wasn't nice at all. Why not talk to your vet and see what they recommend as a possible alternative - might a home visit fix the issue?
    All the best

  2. I agree with you Kathy, going to vets will not going to last a whole day... and it was also for the sake and protection of your dog...

    Tealight Candles | Osprey Viewcast


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Lots of love Sharon X