Thursday, 3 February 2011


Just thought i would pop on to my blog and update you all on what's been going on recently , Well as you will know if you follow my blog i had a real dilemma about what to do for the best with regards to My beautiful Border Collie but i have now decided i will take Ben to the vets so i have made an appointment for him to have his booster. Thanks for all the advice i appreciate you taking the time to help as i was struggling with this due to other experiences i have had with our previous dog.

I haven't been feeling the best for a few months now really sore ear and general pain down the side of my face I have been going back and forth to the doctor but because my ears had been blocked the doctor went down the route of use olive oil drops and then come and have them syringed so i did that and four weeks later after suffering in silence i decided enough was enough i couldn't handle the pain any longer and made yet another doctors appointment with another doctor who sat and listened to what i had to say and then looked in my ear and told me it was fine and the symptoms i described about the headache the pain down my face and the numbness at my lip was nerve damage i am now on yet more tablets and am awaiting a neurology appointment for the second time.

The normal headaches i suffer with are not the same as the headaches i am getting now so maybe while seeing the neurologist i will finally get some answers and help to deal with my existing health issue. Headaches really get you down and it is hard sometimes to be upbeat when all you want to do is smash your already very sore head off a brick wall i am sure any migraine sufferers reading this will know just how i feel. Hope this doesn't come across as a moaning post to you all just thought I'd open up a bit about my personal life and share with my blogging friends.

I am very lucky and know it could be a lot worse but as i said sometimes it can really get me down when i have blood pressure headaches or migraines and now not to do things by half headaches because of nerve damage.. trust me !! lol Thank goodness for my craft hobby it keeps me sane. Well i guess Creative Ramblings is living up to it's name tonight because i sure did just ramble on if you read to the end then give yourself a pat on the back and a hug from me because i have made such a lot of lovely friends through blogging and crafting i am truelly blessed. Have a great Weekend when it comes . hugs Sharon x


  1. Oh dear, just goes to show that doctors (like the rest of us) are not infallible. Hope this new doctor gets you some results and treatment which works.
    Hope all goes well at the vets too.
    All the best


  2. Sharon I know exactly what you are goingt through with your ears I have had nerve damge in both my ears for 5 years now and it also caused noise sensitivity so normal evertday noises are painfull for me IO am on loads of tablets so don't suffer in silence if you want to talk about it you know where I am
    Jacki xx

  3. Hey hun, I have left you an award on my blog. I hope you are feeling better soon xx


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Lots of love Sharon X